Difference between revisions of "Documents (Rise of the Tomb Raider)"

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m (Mural Inscriptions in Blood Ties)
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:* [[The Darkness (RotTR Document)|The Darkness]]
:* [[The Darkness (RotTR Document)|The Darkness]]
* [[Camp Journals III]] (8), Lara's Journals written whenever she finds certain camps for the first time
* [[Camp Journals III]] (7), Lara's Journals written whenever she finds certain camps for the first time
:* [[The Deathless Ones]]
:* [[The Deathless Ones]]
:* [[An Old Friend in Need]]
:* [[An Old Friend in Need]]

Revision as of 14:02, 3 January 2018

A total 258 Documents and Murals can be found in the main game and all of the DLCs.

List of Documents in Rise of the Tomb Raider

There are 185 Documents in 33 sets in the main game, including Murals and other inscriptions.

Documents in the Main Game

There are 154 Documents in the main game:

  • Sessions (6), a collection of transcripts of private therapy sessions between Lara and her therapist, stolen and commented by Ana
  • Pages of the Ledger (4, increases Greek Language Proficiency), the diary of Jacob, describing life in the valley and the way it changes whenever an invasion is averted, and his feelings for Alya
  • The Apostle (6, increases Greek Language Proficiency), "From the journals of Decius, first apostle of the Prophet, 970 A.D."; an account of the affects of the Prophet on the people of Byzanzium
  • The Days After (4, increases Greek Language Proficiency), a set of documents recording the aftermath of the fall of Kitezh
  • The Prophet's Trial (4, increases Greek Language Proficiency), correspondence between a Bishop of Trinity and a Trinity knight
  • Crypts of the Founders (5, increases Greek Language Proficiency), information on the builders and philosophers that helped found the city of Kitezh
  • Voices of Invasion (6, increases Greek and Mongolian Language Proficiency), documents written before the attack of the Mongols on Kitezh, written by the Trinity envoy, a Mongol soldier, and a citizen of Kitezh
  • Lone Survivor (6, increases Mongolian Language Proficiency), the account of a survivor of the Mongolian army attacking Kitezh
  • Red Arrival (4, increases Russian Language Proficiency), concerning the arrival of the Soviets, the building of the rail road, and the following revolt
  • Soviet Power (6, increases Russian Language Proficiency), communication attempts by the Soviet commander, who realizes too late that he does not get through to Moscow
  • The Hunter (6, increases Russian Language Proficiency), an account of the tracker sent by Trinity to follow the Prophets path through Siberia
  • Codex of Survival (4, increases Greek Language Proficiency), Jacob's people had to survive in the wilderness after the fall of Kitezh
  • Ways of the Valley (6, increases Greek Language Proficiency), tracking and hunting animals became a necessity of survival and so it was taught even to the youngest children
  • Conspiracy Theories (4), another diary of a Trinity soldier, questioning the motives of his superiors
  • Camp Journals (8), Lara's Journals written whenever she finds certain camps for the first time
  • Camp Journals II (8), Lara's Journals written whenever she finds certain camps for the first time
  • Camp Journals III (7), Lara's Journals written whenever she finds certain camps for the first time

Mural Inscriptions in the Main Game

The following five sets of documents contain inscriptions on the 31 Murals in the main game - not documents in the strictest sense, they are nonetheless listed under "Documents" in the game menu.

  • The Journey (5), inscriptions and murals that increase Greek Language Proficiency
  • Soviet Crests (10), inscriptions that increase Russian Language Proficiency
  • Crypt Murals (5), murals that increase Greek Language Proficiency

Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch

Documents in Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch

There are 23 additional documents in six sets in the Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch DLC. In the inventory they can be found between the Codices and the Byzantine Inscriptions.

  • The Lost Engineers (4, increases Greek Language Proficiency), written by the forefathers of the Remnant, who entered the vale to build a new shrine there

Darkness Awakened

Documents in Cold Darkness Awakened

There are 8 additional documents in the Cold Darkness Awakened DLC, spread over two document sets. They can be accessed from the menu when playing Cold Darkness.

  • Red Science (4), journals of the scientist behind the toxin

Blood Ties

There are an additional 42 Documents and Murals in the Blood Ties DLC.

Documents in Blood Ties

There are 40 Documents in Blood Ties.


Spoiler Warning: This article reveals important elements of a work yet unpublished.
(This notice may only be removed by a Lead Editor.)

Please note that many of these documents are puzzle items / clues needed to continue the level and might therefore represent spoilers!

  • Lara Croft (1), a statement by Lara that she wishes to continue to Croft name and tradition

Mural Inscriptions in Blood Ties

There are an additional two murals in Blood Ties.