Graphic Novels
From WikiRaider
Graphic Novels (or Trade Paperbacks) are books with comic content, but they should not be confused with comic books. Where comic books tell a single story, graphic novels tell a story arc, and in some cases even several arcs.
There are a few Graphic Novels that consist of collections of several Tomb Raider Comics.
Top Cow Graphic Novels
- A graphic novel within the original Tomb Raider Series by Top Cow: Tomb Raider: The Series Vol. 1 encompassing issues 1 to 4.
- Mystic Artifacts (US version) or The Merlin Stone (UK version)
- Mystic Artifacts and The Merlin Stone are the US and UK version of a graphic novel within the original Tomb Raider Series by Top Cow: Tomb Raider: The Series Vol. 1 encompassing issues 5 to 10; thus including not only the Merlin Stone arc, but the Dead Center arc as well.
- Another graphic novel for Tomb Raider: The Series Vol. 1, encompassing the issues 11 to 15.
- Another graphic novel for Tomb Raider: The Series Vol. 1, including issues 16 to 19.
- A graphic novel for the Tomb Raider / Witchblade Crossovers.
- This graphic novel encompasses the whole Journeys comic series.
- The Lara Croft Tomb Raider Compendium (Issues 1-50)
- The Compendium encompasses all 50 issues of Tomb Raider: The Series Vol. 1.