Change of Plans

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Red Science Document Folder

Change of Plans is one of four Documents in Cold Darkness Awakened (additional content for Rise of the Tomb Raider). It belongs to the Red Science set, containing messages from the scientist behind the experimental biochemical toxin.

In the end, all they could do was turn it into a weapon...

My work, I see now, would never have led to a generation of heroes as I once dreamed. In targeting the production of dihydrotestosterone, we would have left the brave women of the Motherland behind.

That is, if it had ever worked. Every iteration of the formula has led to the same results. A man of enhanced speed, great strength, but the mind of a beast and the temperament of a demon. We filled the graveyard, each plot three corpses deep, with both the test subjects and their victims.

We no longer labor to uplift the Soviet people. Instead, we have made a weapon. It is not how I intended to give glory to our people, but it is enough.

They will not laugh at me, ever again.