Breath Bar

From WikiRaider
Revision as of 19:01, 9 August 2011 by The Poet (talk | contribs) (added an image, TRU Health Bar and a note about its appearance, will add image of a more classic one later)

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The Breath Bar, also know as Air Bar, is a Status Bar which plays an important role when diving.

It was introduced in the first Tomb Raider. As long as Lara is under water, the bar will continue to run down. Once it's depleted, Lara will start taking damage to the Health Bar.

Swimming on the surface will gradually restore the bar. Leaving the water will fully replenish the bar at once.

The Breath Bar also appears when Lara is situated in a place where are toxic fumes. This happens for example in the VCI Section of Tomb Raider Chronicles and in The Angel of Darkness levels Derelict Apartment Block and Galleries Under Siege.

Breath Bar (light blue) in Tomb Raider Underworld

In Tomb Raider Underworld the bar doesn't look like the same as in the previous games, but the player is still able to recognize it.