Hub Level

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A Hub Level (or Hub Space) is a level or area the player (sometimes or always) returns to after finishing a specific task, like completing a regular level. Here the player can choose to go on to the next level or stay and finish other tasks like Challenges in Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris - or Secret Tombs, Missions, or Hunting in Tomb Raider (2013) and Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Tomb Raider Games

Tomb Raider (2013)

In the 2013 Tomb Raider reboot game the Mountain Village, Shantytown, and possibly the Shipwreck Beach Locations can be considered hub spaces as the player returns here several times throughout the story.

Rise of the Tomb Raider

In Rise of the Tomb Raider the Locations Geothermal Valley and Soviet Installation act as hub levels. Lara comes here more than once in the course of the story and can also return here in order to hunt or finish Secret Tombs, Crypts, or Missions. The first Siberian level, Siberian Wilderness, is rather big, too, and can therefore also be considered a Hub Level, even if she does not necessarily return here in the course of the story - after her first visit there are only two Caves (RotTR) left to explore sh could not enter before because of missing Gear.

Lara Croft Games

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris

In Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris the hub level is called Shrine of Osiris. From here, every other part of the game is reachable and the player(s) have to return here to choose how to continue and change the Time of Day or the Seasons in the Osiris Shrine Interior.