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Revision as of 21:47, 15 October 2015 by Wile E. Coyote (talk | contribs)

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No. Relic Clues Needed
Old Version
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New Version
Reward Level Found
1 Jade Scepter of Tjak 5 6 25 Coins 2
2 Kinari Rain Drum 6 7 35 Coins 4
3 Meed Yantra Knife 7 8 45 Coins 6
4 Naga's Eye 8 9 65 Coins 8
5 Nok Thet Mask 9 10 90 Coins 10
6 Pelesit Urn 11 11 120 Coins 12
7 Tyrannosaurus Rex Skull 13 12 160 Coins 14
8 Bajang Charm 16 14 200 Coins 16
9 Bronze Astrolabe 19 16 250 Coins 18
10 Carved Skull 22 18 305 Coins 20
11 Devatas Flask 26 20 365 Coins 22
12 Dragon's Tooth 30 22 435 Coins 24
13 Gilded Chinthe 35 24 505 Coins 26
14 Golden Trident 40 26 585 Coins 28
15 Hantu Protection Bell 46 28 670 Coins 30
16 Rahu's Peal 52 30 760 Coins 32
17 Ritual Conch 58 32 855 Coins 34
18 Silver Monkey Paw 64 34 960 Coins 36
19 Silver Necklace 71 36 1070 Coins 38
20 Sun Queen Crown 78 38 1185 Coins 40