Rhianna Pratchett

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Rhianna Pratchett is credited as the main writer for the Tomb Raider (2013) reboot game.

Tomb Raider

Rhianna was reveald as writer for the Tomb Raider reboot just before San Diego Comic Con 2012.[1] In a panel broadcasted live over the internet via uStream she said that the new Lara Croft would be "more human" and that the game "is about picking yourself up and doing the right thing, not because you're not scared, but despite the fact that you are scared." "You can't have bravery without fear."

When she came on board around 2010 the story development had already begun. She and the rest of the writing staff shaped the story over the course of the project and so the story evolved. "Game development is not like 'one draft, two drafts, three drafts, and then you are done, but you are always tweaking because it has to fold in with level design. Level design [...] and game design can change."

The scene where Lara "kills a guy for the first time [...] we really wanted it to be a big thing for her [...] so we get to learn about her character [...] ḧer moral compass, her flaws". "One of the main things we wanted to look at was how Lara's actions affect her character and her emotional state".

Other Games

Before being hired by Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix to write the story behind Tomb Raider, she has been involved with such games as Heavenly Sword, Mirror's Edge, and Risen.[2]


Rhianna is the daughter of award winning British fantasy novel author Sir Terry Partchett and his wife Lyn. She was born on December 30th, 1976.[3]

In the SDCC panel she reveald that she has been playing video games since she was six years old on her father's old computers or even together with him, where she was "drawing the maps". She claims to be a "big nerd strategy gamer". "When I was at university I nearly lost a boyfriend because of my excessive Diabolo playing."


  1. http://officialtombraiderblog.tumblr.com/post/27048568679/rhianna-pratchett-revealed-as-lead-writer-for-tomb Official Tomb Raider Blog
  2. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2824501/ IMDB
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_Pratchett Wikipedia