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Important: This article follows the storyline of the reboot (since Tomb Raider (2013)) and will probably contradict story pieces from previous games.


The Endurance home ported in Plymouth, England is a research vessel which Lara accompanied over numerous expeditions during her education. [1] At the age of 21, after finishing college, Lara accompanies Captain Conrad Roth and the Endurance once again, this time on an expedition to Asia, to search for the Lost Fleet of Kublai Khan.

When Lara suggests to head for an supposedly uninhabited island [2] off the coast of Japan, they run into a massive storm which tears the ship apart. Lara barely manges to escape death but is separated from Roth when a jump fails and she falls into the ocean. Later she finds herself on a mysterious island. The remains of the Endurance end up amidst a number of ship- and plane wrecks, at the island's shore.



Development Notes

Karl Stewart revealed in an interview that Ernest Shackleton' Endurance (1912) served as inspiration for the game's Endurance.


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wf4kRW7AvIg She's been on it a couple of times. (Karl Stewart about the Endurance in a E3 2011 interview.)
  2. play3 Germany #69